How do I move my subscribers to a different list?

If you made a mistake while importing a subscriber file, or want to move a subscriber to a different list, there are several ways to go about this.

Moving a single subscriber to a different list

For a single subscriber, the most straightforward way is to copy and paste the data into the new list. You can then remove the subscriber from the original list by selecting the list, selecting the subscriber by clicking the check mark, and then click the 'Delete selection' button.

Tip: do you want to delete several subscribers at once this way? Select all by clicking the icon above all of the check boxes: 

Moving a large number of subscribers to a different list

If you want to move a lot of subscribers to another list, for instance because you imported an Excel file into the wrong list and want to keep the existing subscribers in that list, it's best to follow these steps:

  1. Export the entire list to an Excel file (find out how to do that here).
  2. Filter your subscriber file in Excel or Google Spreadsheets and create a .csv or .xls file of the subscribers that need to be moved and the ones that need to stay in the list.
  3. Empty your Laposta subscriber file by clicking 'Empty' for the relevant list in the Subscribers tab.
  4. Re-import the right .csv or .xls into the correct lists.

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