Why can't I import role-based email addresses automatically?

Role-based addresses are email addresses that are linked to functions or systems rather than to people. Behind a role-based email address is often not a specific person, but a group of persons or an entire department. 

Laposta excludes a number of role-based email addresses from automatic import because they can lead to more bounces and/or spam complaints, which is bad for your mailing reputation (deliverability) and that of other users. 

If a file contains many role-based email addresses, it is more likely that the file has been bought. By law, files that are bought may not be used to send newsletters.

By the way, we do not exclude all role-based email addresses from automatic import. Certain role-based email addresses such as info@, sales@ and webmaster@ have become so commonplace that there is often a specific person behind them.

Examples of role-based email addresses that Laposta excludes from automatic import are: admin@, sysadmin@, root@, security@, registrar@, abuse@, postmaster@, noc@, and compliance@.

However, these role-based email addresses can be added via the subscribe form. You can also manually add this role-based email address to your list if you are sure that it belongs to a specific person.

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