Can I reactivate cleaned subscribers?
Yes, you can reactivate cleaned subscribers, but only if you have their new, correct email address.
This is because cleaned subscribers are subscribers that have led to a hard bounce or six consecutive soft bounces. For this subscribers, the newsletters could structurally not get delivered to their old email address.
With cleaned subscribers, there is often an older or incorrect email address on file. If you have the time, you could try to reach out to your cleaned subscribers (for instance by phone) to get the right email address.
Cleaned subscribers also include all subscribers with Yahoo and Microsoft (,,, etc.) who have marked your emails as spam. Our application is made aware of this via email.
To activate cleaned subscribers, go to the page Subscribers → Browse. In the Cleaned tab, you will find all your cleaned subscribers. Click Details for the subscriber you want to activate.
Before you can activate the subscriber, you will be asked to enter the subscriber's new, updated email address.
It goes without saying that you cannot reactivate subscribers that have led to a complaint at Yahoo or Microsoft.