How do I segment based on campaign results?

On the page Subscribers → Segment, you can create new segments, or edit/delete existing segments for every list.

  • You create a segment by determining one or several selection criteria. You can define these criteria based on subscriber data or campaign results.
  • If you want to segment based on campaign results, you click Segment based on campaign results.
  • Next, you can segment based on around two dozen results from sent newsletter campaigns: for instance, subscribers who have not opened the last campaign yet, subscribers who have clicked a particular link in a certain campaign, or subscribers who have a click ratio over 50%.

It goes without saying that you can only segment based on campaign results after you have sent your first newsletter campaign with Laposta.

Selecting based on subscribers who...


  • a.1 - have not been sent any campaigns
  • a.2 - have not been sent the last campaign
  • a.3 - have not been sent a specific campaign
  • a.4 - have been sent a campaign (ever)
  • a.5 - have been sent the last campaign
  • a.6 - have been sent a specific campaign


  • b.1 - have not yet opened a campaign
  • b.2 - have received but not opened the last campaign
  • b.3 - have received but not opened a specific campaign
  • .b4 - have received a campaign (ever)
  • b.5 - have opened the last campaign
  • b.6 - have opened a specific campaign
  • b.7 - a specific open ratio


  • c.1 - have never clicked
  • c.2 - have not clicked in the last campaign
  • c.3 - have not clicked in a specific campaign
  • c.4 - have not clicked a specific link in a specific campaign
  • c.5 - have clicked (ever)
  • c.6 - have clicked in the last campaign
  • c.7 - have clicked in a specific campaign
  • c.8 - have clicked a specific link in a specific campaign
  • c.9 - have a specific click ratio


You could use the following selection criterion:

In this example, you can then select which campaign and which link this concerns.

You then select the subscribers from your list who have clicked that specific link in that specific campaign. At the top right of the page, you will instantly see how many subscribers are in this segment.

With the segment below, you can easily and quickly filter those who have received but not opened. You could send a reminder to this segment, to encourage this group to still read your newsletter. You can do that using this segment:

On the page Subscribers → View, you can see which subscribers are in which segment.

When making a newsletter campaign, you can indicate in Step 2 to which lists and/or segments you want to send your newsletter.

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