How do I know the result of importing a large subscriber file?

Importing an Excel file is done in four small steps.

After you have clicked the 'Import' button, the (desired and selected) data is imported from the Excel file into your Laposta list. You can see the status and progress in the side bar. When the import is completed, you can view the results by clicking 'See results' in the side bar.

In the final step, Step 4, you will see the result of your import: the number of existing subscribers whose data have been modified and the number of new subscribers added to your list. This step also indicates why data from certain rows in your Excel file were not added.

You will also receive a (confirmation) email about this. 

If file rows (email addresses) are not imported, the reasons why they were not included in your list will be indicated. Laposta distinguishes four reasons/categories:

  1. Email addresses that already existed - if you want to add new subscribers. Laposta automatically deduplicates email addresses when importing subscriber files. Email addresses (either active or removed (unsubscribed or cleared out due to a hard bounce)) that were already included in your list are not imported. Email adresses that appear in your files several times are only imported once.
  2. Email addresses that are new - if you only want to modify data of existing subscribers
  3. File rows with no or invalid email addresses. Empty file rows and file rows without an email address will not be imported into Laposta. Invalid email addresses, e.g. without the at-sign ( or extension (john@hisbusiness) will not be added to the list.
  4. File rows with role-based email addresses. Role-based email addresses are email addresses that are not used by persons but by systems.

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