Where can I find an overview of active, unsubscribed and cleaned subscribers?

For each list, there is an overview of all your active subscribers, subscribers who have unsubscribed for the next newsletter and subscribers that resulted in a hard bounce.

You can find this overview on the page Subscribers → Browse. All your active subscribers are listed under the tab 'active subscribers. You can send these subscribers a newsletter. 

The tab 'unsubscribed', lists all subscribers who have unsubscribed from your newsletters via the unsubscribe link in one of your previous newsletters. Unsubscribed subscribers may also have been unsubscribed by yourself from your list of active subscribers. Finally, unsubscribed subscribers also include subscribers who have unsubscribed via the web interface of Gmail or Outlook.com.

The tab 'Cleaned' lists all subscribers that resulted in a hard bounce or six consecutive soft bounces. These are usually subscribers with outdated or incorrect email addresses. Under this tab you will also find all Yahoo and Microsoft subscribers (Outlook.com, Hotmail.com, Live.com etc.) who have marked your email as spam. Our application is informed of this via email.

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