A subscriber causes a hard bounce or complaint. Will the subscriber be automatically deleted?

Yes, a subscriber that results in a hard bounce after sending your newsletter is automatically removed from your list.

After the hard bounce, you will no longer find this subscriber in your overview of subscribers under Active subscribers but under Cleaned subscribers.

Hard bounces almost always involve email addresses that do not exist (anymore). This is why you can only add a cleaned subscriber (i.e. the email address) to your list of active subscribers after changing the email address.

Sending a new newsletter to the same email address will only result in another hard bounce. (Too) many hard bounces do not benefit your mailing reputation.

The above also applies to subscribers at Yahoo and Microsoft (Outlook.com, Hotmail.com, Live.com etc.) who have marked your email as spam. Our application is automatically notified of this. These subscribers are also automatically cleaned from your list.

To activate the cleaned subscribers, go to the page Subscribers > View in your account. In the table under the Cleaned tab, you will find all your cleaned subscribers. Click 'Details' for the subscriber you want to activate. Before you can activate the subscriber, you will be asked to enter your subscriber's new, current email address.

It goes without saying that subscribers that have led to a complaint at Yahoo and Microsoft can no longer be activated.

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