Is an unsubscribe link mandatory in a newsletter?

Under the ePrivacy Directive, you must include an unsubscribe link in every newsletter. Under GDPR, subscribers should be able to withdraw their consent as easily as they gave it.

In Laposta, the unsubscribe link is always at the bottom of the newsletter. When using our application, this link is mandatory; you cannot remove it. What you can do is change the text of and around the link when creating a newsletter campaign.

Service mails are an exception to this rule. These can be sent without an unsubscribe link. Service mails only contain information about maintenance, service, or invoice; this information is directly relevant to the purchased product. Service mails may not contain commercial information, not even in the margins.

If you want to use our application for service mails, and do not want an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the emails, you can indicate this to our helpdesk. This is only possible for paid accounts (subscriptions).

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