How do I segment based on subscriber data?

On the page Subscribers → Segment, you can create new segments or edit/delete existing segments for every list

  • You create a segment by determining one or several selection criteria. You can define these criteria based on subscriber data or campaign results.
  • If you want to segment based on subscriber data, you click Segment based on subscriber data.
  • Next, you can segment based on all data of the subscribers in this list: from email address and subscription data to the data you entered yourself, such as first and last names, residence, gender, date of birth, field of work, client number, and hobby.

It goes without saying that you can only segment based on subscriber data you have entered into the list. You can only create a North Holland segment if you have recorded the province in which your subscriber lives. Similarly, you can only create a Hockey segment if your have entered your subscribers' hobbies or preferred sports.

For example, you can create the following selection criterion:

In this example, you select all subscribers who have '' in their emailaddress. On the top right of the page, you can directly see how many subscribers are in this segment.

On the page Subscribers → View (for the relevant list), you can see which subscribers belong to which segments.

When creating a newsletter campaign, you can indicate in Step 2 which lists and/or segments you want to send the campaign to.

Please note: when you change the field names or (for multiple choice) the answer options, your segment(s) will also change, so always make sure to carefully check your segments!

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