How do I get an API key?

Each account has its own API key(s). You can find them in your account on the page Connect → API Keys.

Storage and display of keys

An API key provides access to many data in an account. Therefore, we treat an API key like a password, and do not store it. Because of this, it is not possible to display a previously created key. We do display the first four characters of the key so that you can recognise it.

Create new key

If no key is available yet, or if you need an additional key, it is possible to create a new key. Immediately after its creation, the new key is displayed only once. You can copy the key and use it within your application.

Blocking the key

Do you want to temporarily block a key from being used? Then you can block the key by clicking Details. If you do not need the key at all anymore, you can delete it (also by clicking Details).

Maximum number of keys

For free accounts, no more than three keys can be created.

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