How do I connect Google Analytics and Laposta?

You can easily connect the Google statistics application, Google Analytics (GA), to Laposta. To do so, you only have indicate that you use GA in Step 1 of creating your newsletter campaign.

When you click that option, three UTM codes are automatically added to the links in your newsletter:

  • utm_source: 'Laposta' will be put here automatically;
  • utm_medium: 'email' will be put here automatically;
  • utm_campaign: the working title of the specific campaign will be put here automatically.

GA automatically logs how many visits to your websites started through your newsletter. You can also see the number of pages visited, the average visit duration, and the bounce ratio of your newsletter subscribers.

If desired, you can analyze this data more in-depth. That way you can formulate GA goals; then you can check how often your goals are achieved through your newsletter (conversion).

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