I have connected Google Analytics. How come my links are not working properly anymore?

After Google Analytics and Laposta have been connected, the links in the testmail and newsletters might not work properly for a very few amount of users. For example, subscribers are not redirected to the intended page, but to the homepage.

In this case, it is best to contact your web builder. Your website should not have any trouble with the bit of code our application automatically adds to your link. This code has widespread application.

Optionally, you can undo the connection to Google Analytics (GA) in Step 1. The links in your newsletters will work properly again. Unfortunately, you will not be able to see in GA how many visits to your website originated from your newsletter.

Background information

Statistics applications such as GA log the origin of visits to your website using variables that are attached to the URL of your webpages.

When you indicate that you use GA in Step 1 of creating your newsletter campaign, our system automatically adds GA codes to all links (URLs) in your newsletter. These so-called UTM codes are filled in by Laposta as follows:

  • utm_medium = email
  • utm_source = Laposta
  • utm_campaign = [name of sent campaign]

Laposta automatically adds this bit of code to your link; it is then read by the GA counter

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