Can my subscribers give a reason for unsubscribing?

Yes, Laposta shows an additional page after an unsubscribe, which inquires after the reason for unsubscribing. Naturally, this is not mandatory, but in practice, many people who unsubscribe give their reason for it. This is valuable information about the way your subscribers perceive your newsletters.

Modifying the reasons

By default, the subscriber can choose from five reasons shown. They can enter text for the last one, 'Other (fill in reason below)'. 

To hide the default reasons, add new reasons, or change the order, go to Subscribers → Edit settings → Unsubscribe → Feedback.

There are two reasons ('I never subscribed to this newsletter', and 'This newsletter is spam') that are always shown.

The language of the reasons

The reasons are displayed in the language of your subscriber list (Subscribers → Edit settings). You can add your own reasons in any language.

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