Creating a campaign after a template modification

Have you requested an alteration to your Joe template, and do you want to see those changes in the newsletter you are (or will be) working on? There are two ways you can do this:

For a small modification

If the designer has made a small change to your design, but the template's structure is still intact, the best option is to reload the template. In Step 4, you click the link 'Reload template, keep content'. 

For a large, structural modification to a Joe

If the designer has made a later change to the structure of your template - for instance, they added an extra block afterward - you have to completely rebuild your campaign the first time. You do this by starting a new campaign on the Campaigns > Browse page, and clicking the new template in Step 3.

Important: for a structural change, copying an old campaign or clicking the 'Reload campaign, keep content' link in Step 4 will not suffice. Copying the old campaign means that you will use the template used in that newsletter. (That cannot be changed; otherwise it could cause problems with displaying the content of your (copied) campaign.)

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