Field display and design
Your list has a number of fields. In any case you will see the email address, usually the first and last name, and more fields if desired (see how do I create additional fields for my list?).
All existing fields are included in the form by default. By clicking a field, you can decide:
- If the field is required;
- What text should be shown with the field and how (above, or as a placeholder, within the field).
You can change the order of the fields by dragging them.
Text above the button (privacy)
Sometimes it can be useful to add a little extra text above the button, for example a reference to the privacy statement. You can enter this text by clicking the button.
Text after subscription (thank you text/page)
You want to thank the subscriber for subscribing. You can enter this text by clicking on the form next to one of the fields.
Design fields and button
The appearance of the fields and background can be changed by clicking a field or the button and choosing the Design tab on the left side of the screen.