Can I put a link to a website in my newsletter?

Yes, of course you can insert a link to your own website in your newsletter. Or a link to another website. You can also insert a link to a file in your newsletter.

When creating your newsletter - in step 4 - you can include various blocks. For many of these blocks (Image, Button, Title, etc.) you can enter a URL on the left side.

You can also insert links in the text itself (in a Text block or a Text block with image). Click the block and select the text behind which you want to insert the link. Then click on the button with the little anchor just above the text.

Links and email addresses may not be hyphenated. Therefore, when you place the newsletter in a narrow column, make sure that a link or email address (or a long word) does not push the column outward; you will then notice in a Preview or Test mail that the newsletter is wider at that point. Unfortunately, Laposta cannot set a fixed width for columns. A number of email clients does not support this.

After sending your newsletter, you can see in your statistics (on the page Results/Links) how many people clicked on each link and how often they did so.

For your information: when you click a link in your newsletter, it always opens in a new window. This way, your subscribers are always able to return directly to your newsletter.

Finally, an important tip: never include a literal URL in your newsletter; convert it in plain text with a link behind it. You can read here why you should never use a full URL in your newsletter (and what you can do instead).

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