Can I add an alt text to the image in my newsletter?

Yes, you can (easily) add an alt text to any image. By adding the alt text, you make your newsletter more accessible and user friendly to all your readers

How to add an alt text

When creating a newsletter according to our Six Step Plan, you can easily add an alt text to your image in Step 4. Just click the image in your newsletter, and you can add your alt text on the left side of the screen.

The importance of adding an alt text to an image

Adding an alt text in your digital newsletter is a simple yet powerful way to make your newsletter accessible. Five reasons to make use of this: 

  1. Make your newsletter more accessible: Alt text helps people with a visual impairment understand your content. Screen readers use the alt text to read out descriptions of images, so everyone van receive your message.
  2. Engage all readers: Some email clients block all images by default. In this case, the alt text is displayed, so that your readers know what is in the image.
  3. Increase your visibility: Alt text can help search engines to better index your newsletter when it is shared online. This can enhance your newsletter's findability.
  4. Strengthen your message: When an image does not load, if your reader has a visual impairment, the alt text guarantees that the core of your message is still conveyed.
  5. Improve user experience: Good alt texts offer extra content and descriptions, which is mostly helpful for mobile phone users with slow internet connections.

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