Tags to show a table of contents

Please note: These tags are not relevant to the drag & drop editor.


You can use this tag to insert a table of contents somewhere in the newsletter. This table of contents consists of internal links to the content below; it is filled automatically.

The table of contents appears at the position of the <lp-toc> tag. The table of contents can only be filled with the text of singleline elements. Adding the attribute lp-toc to the singleline indicates that it should appear in the table of contents. If the singleline is within a repeater, all singelines created within the repeater are included in the table of contents.

It is also possible to include several groups of single lines in the table of contents. For example, the headings from the main block and the headings from the column. To indicate which headings should be displayed first, a number can be added to the lp-toc attribute in the singleline. The headings will then be displayed in order of these numbers.

The table of contents is constructed with a <table> tag, because this is displayed more consistently in the various email clients. The <td> tag containing the link is given the class 'lp-toc-link'.

By default, the HTML tag '&amp;bull;' is used for the bullet, but this can be replaced by a different character or by an image (see below). The <td> tag containing the bullet is given the class 'lp-toc-bullet'. Padding can also be indicated.



You can use this to use a bullet of your own. This can be text (for example, '*', or '&amp;#8227;'), but also an URL of an image. The image is imported and hosted by Laposta.


Number, displays padding in pixels from the left.


Number, displays padding in pixels from the right.


Table of contents:


And a singleline to be included:

<lp-singleline lp-label="Heading above article" lp-toc>Heading above article</lp-singleline>.

Or, with more control over the layout:

<lp-toc lp-bullet="http://example.com/bullet.gif" lp-bullet-padding-right="10" lp-bullet-padding-left="30">

Or a singleline in a repeater (e.g. the main block):

<lp-singleline lp-label="Heading above article" lp-toc="1">Heading in main block</lp-singleline>

And a singleline in a repeater in a column:

<lp-singleline lp-label="Heading above article" lp-toc="2">Heading in column</lp-singleline>

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