How does Laposta handle the sending of my newsletters?

Our most important task is to successfully deliver your newsletter to your subscribers' inboxes. This task requires continuous effort. Naturally, you also want your newsletter to be displayed correctly, in any email client, on desktop, tablet, and smartphone.

Laposta has an excellent sending reputation. We cherish this reputation.

How do we maintain it? First of all, we have a large capacity of servers in several server parks (all in the Netherlands). Our servers can easily replace each other, ensuring that sending and registrations always go through.

In a technical respect, we use SPF, DKIM, and TLS.

With the help of SPF (Sender Policy Framework), your subscriber's mailserver can check if our mailserver is authorised to send your newsletter.

TLS allows the emails to be encrypted as they are sent, if this is supported by the receiving mailserver (it usually is). This is the same principle as using 'https' on the internet.

Finally, we guard the quality of accounts. Subscribers that result in a hard bounce are automatically unsubscribed from the relevant list. Subscribers that produce a soft bounce in six subsequent newsletters are also unsubscribed. Spam-sensitive cases, such as adding an attachment to your newsletter, are not allowed in our application. All sender addresses must be confirmed with us first.

We monitor every account, down to each list in the account. Additionally, we critically test the content and results of newsletters.

All of this has only one purpose: to maintain our sending reputation - and with it, your sender reputation.

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