Can I send my newsletter from my own IP address?

Yes, this is possible if you are sending large amounts of newsletters.

Usually, you would share an IP address with other Laposta customers. If you have a large number of subscribers, it can be useful to use your own IP address when sending your newsletters. Using separate addresses allows you to build your own sender reputation.

If you send a small number of newsletters from an IP addresses, the volume is too low to build a sender reputation. The rating will then remain 'neutral', which is lower than the ranking of Laposta's shared IP addresses. We take great care to only send 'good' emails, and this results in an excellent score. Thus, using your own IP address is only useful at a rate of around 20.000 emails a month.

Furthermore, we always assign you two IP addresses, which are located on separate machines. This is due to availability.

We first 'warm up' the new IP addresses. This means that for a few weeks, they will run alongside the large cluster of addresses we already have, to build trust with receiving mailservers.

Two personal IP addresses cost 100 euros a month. For more information, please contact our helpdesk.

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