Why does the display on tablet and mobile differ slightly from the preview?

In Step 4 you can use the Preview button to view your newsletter on a normal computer, a tablet, and a mobile phone.

When you click Preview, you can use the icons at the top of the page to check the display on the different devices:

There is one thing to keep in mind. You should know that the newsletter's display on an actual mobile phone can differ from the preview. There are many shapes and sizes to tablets and smartphones; each device displays your newsletter slightly differently. This is also the case for the display of newsletters on desktop computers. For these devices too, there are different operating systems and email clients in use, which can lead to small variations in the display.

By default, the preheader is not shown in mobile display. Additionally, you can choose to hide or display certain blocks in desktop or mobile display. You can also make changes to the design for mobile display.

If you want to know exactly what your newsletter will look like on one device, you can send a testmail to a user of such a device.

At Laposta, we do our best everyday to get the display of newsletters as correct as possible on all devices. If you happen to encounter a device that does not display your newsletter properly, we would gladly take note of it.

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