Activating or pausing an automation


When you create a new automation, it is of course not yet active. In the editor, you can see this by the red dot in front of the name, at the top left.

When you are finished building the automation, you can click 'Activate' in the automations overview for the relevant automation. If the automation is complete, it will be activated successfully and the dot in front of the name will turn green. From that moment on, the automation will be active.

If there are still errors, you will be notified of this. Click  'Edit' again to see which blocks are not yet complete.


You can pause a running automation by clicking on Pause in the overview.

Activate changes

Suppose you have a running automation that you want to change. You can then pause the particular automation, but you don't have to. You can also just edit the automation. The dot in front of the name will then turn orange. This indicates that there are changes that are not yet active.

When you have finished making changes, you can click 'Activate changes' in the overview. If any errors are found in the automation, you will be notified.

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