Automation building block: Subscribe

With this building block, you can add the subscriber in the automation to another list.


Here you select the list to which the subscriber should be added.

Matching of additional fields

A list commonly has additional fields; first name and last name for example, but anything is possible. The field names of both lists are used when subscribing in the new list. If the name and the data type of a field match, then the information of the field is also included in the new list. If the name of a field does not exist in the new list, or the data type is different, then that field will be ignored.


Suppose you want to create a list of subscribers who register for an event. You can then send a campaign containing a button with the text 'Yes, I will attend'. You can link the button to a page on your website.

If you create an automation that starts with the click on that button before sending the campaign, you can automatically add those who click on the button to the new list. And while you're at it, you can also send them an email to thank them and give additional information.

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