Can I put a QR code in my newsletter?

Yes, you can include personalised QR codes in your newsletter. Laposta does not generate these QR codes, but you can use an another application to have them generated for you.

Import data in Laposta

The QR code data have to be available in Laposta. You can do this by creating a new field, or by filling in an existing field. Read more about creating extra fields here.

Next, you can fill out the field with an Excel or CVS file. Find out more about importing large files here.

Choose an application to generate your QR codes

Laposta does not generate codes, but there are several applications that do this for you. Some examples are:

Some applications are free, and you usually have to create an account first. Laposta cannot assess or rate the quality of these applications.

Insert the QR code in your campaign

Click a Text block in your campaign to make the QR code visible. Next, choose Source code:


Now, you include an image in the source code. The image's origin is the website of the application you used to generate the QR code. You can use a subscriber variable in the link to the image. This is the value that will be included in the QR code.

This is an example from the application (which you can use without registration, and without a registration fee):

<img alt="QR-code" src="{{veldnaam}}&amp;size=200x200">

In this example, {{field name}} is the name of the subscriber variable (which you can find with the fields of the list, under Subscribers > Edit settings > Fields).

After 'size', you can indicate how large the QR code should be (in pixels).

Don't forget to test it

The QR code is now visible in your newsletter. It is good practice to send test email, to see if your QR code indeed contains the correct information. Please note that the test email address should be in the list that has the information for the QR code, otherwise our program will not be able to find the value.

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