How do I change the formatting of text?

The formatting of text (font, font size, line height) is an important part of your newsletter's design. The drag & drop editor offers a wide variety of ways to design a newsletter the way you want.

Start with the global design

Click to 'Blocks and global design' on the left side of the screen (you will see this when you click on the newsletter). Next, go to Global design > Middle.

Here, you can indicate what the default settings for all blocks in your newsletter should be: the text colour, the font, the font size and thickness, if the text should be italic or plain, what the spacing should be, and how the text should be outlined. You also determine what colour the text should be when you place a link behind it, and if the link will be underlined.

Please note: by clicking the smartphone icon next to the 'Global design' button, you can design your newsletter specifically for mobile phone display!

Possible variation per block

All blocks are now shown in the established global design. However, you may want to change up your design for different blocks. To do so, click a Text block or a Text with image block, and choose Design. There you can change the font, font size, spacing, and more, specifically for that block. You can do this for both the title and the text.

Do not forget to check and adjust both the mobile and desktop display. You can also save the blocks design and apply it to similar blocks

Emphasis within a block

When entering text, a number of additional design options are available to customise the text within a block. For example, you can change the background colour to yellow to emphasise a word. Or print some part in bold or italic.

Help! I have changed the font but nothing happens

Sometimes the text itself already contains formatting. Select the whole text in the editor and click on the button ' Remove Format’.
You can check this by clicking the 'Source' button.

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