Do I also receive email responses from subscribers at my sender address?

This is possible, but is not mandatory.

When creating your newsletter campaign in accordance with our Six Steps plan, you can indicate in Step 1 whether you also want to use your sender address as a response address. However, this is not necessary. You can use any other response address. The response address must be an existing email address.

For example, you can use as the sender address. You can use the email address of a colleague, Pascale Peterson (, as the response address. Your subscribers will then see in their mailbox that your newsletter has come from Any email responses from your subscribers will be received by Pascale Peterson in her mailbox (without your subscribers noticing).

If the number of newsletters is very large, we can imagine that you or your colleagues will not have time to answer all the email responses - but be aware that you are losing a unique opportunity to get in touch with your subscribers.

If you are short on time, you could create a no-reply address (which must be an existing address). This will reduce the number of email responses. You could collect and delete the email responses that still arrive in a separate folder. You can also set up an auto-responder for email responses, so that your subscribers will automatically receive a reply to their email.

On the page Settings > Sender addresses, you can add sender addresses. After adding an email address, you can indicate if the default settings for the address should be sender-only, reply-only, or sender and reply.

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