Roles: data controller and data processor

Organisations often employ other organisations to process personal data for them. For example by outsourcing the sending of newsletters. This organisation is a data processor. The organisation that employs the data processor is a data controller.

The data controller determines the purposes for and the means by which personal data is processed. If your organisation determines the 'why' and 'how' of the personal data processing, it is the data controller.


It is essential that the distribution of roles concerning data processing, and the accompanying rights and duties, are crystal clear. This is to prevent assumptions and mistakes. We have specified the relationship of authority and agreements made explicitly in a data processing agreement.


It is the responsibility of the data controller to ensure that no personal data other than what was agreed upon is saved in Laposta.


In general, we see that there are times when more than the agreed-upon data is processed. Laposta is expressly not suitable for the processing of sensitive personal data (such as medical data, criminal records, data about religion, sexual preference, or political party membership).

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