Which roles does Laposta differentiate for users?

Laposta offers seven default roles, where different sets of rights are set up to access parts of an account.

  1. Admin: the admin has all possible roles in the account. Only an admin can create, edit and remove users for the account, and appoint or set up rights and roles.
  2. User: a user has all rights pertaining to Subscribers, Campaigns, Automations, and Results, but does not have access to admin tasks under Account, Login, Settings, and Connect.
  3. Viewer: a viewer has minimal rights and can only see subscriber lists, campaigns, automations, and (anonymous) results.
  4. Editor: the editor can create and send campaigns and automations, has all rights to see subscribers, edit, add, or remove, but cannot edit, change, or delete templates, and they do not have access to admin tasks.
  5. Designer: a designer has access to subscribe and edit forms, and they can create campaigns and templates.
  6. ICT: ICT only has access to the admin tasks in the account through the Settings page.
  7. Accountant: the accountant only has access to financial information.

Those who have limited access in the account can always see the Subscribers, Campaigns, Automations, and Results pages. Depending on the assigned rights, a user can or cannot click to see more information about it.

Creating new roles yourself

You can also set up your own role(s) in Laposta. To do so, you can modify existing roles, or create your own. You can start setting up a new role by selecting (or not selecting) all rights, or using the rights from an existing role.

Only users with an 'admin' role can create and modify roles, and appoint roles to other subscribers.

Rights for default roles

In this overview, you can see which rights someone with a default role does or does no

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