How is the paid subscription fee determined?
The subscription fee exclusively depends on the number of active subscribers you have. We do not apply start-up costs or costs for email bundels.
If you decide to move forward with Laposta, you will be sorted into a tariff group based on the number of active subscribers you have, or expect to have. You will then receive an invoice amounting to the price that corresponds to this tariff group.
Only if you enter subscribers on a large scale during the subscription year, and would end up at least four tariff groups (or 500 euros) higher, we will send you an additional invoice. This way, we want to prevent that you have to pay too much afterwards.
At the end of the subscription year, we determine how many active subscribers you have had on average during that year. If you end up in a higher tariff group, you pay the difference between those groups afterwards. If you end up in a lower tariff group, we refund you the difference.
When you extend your subscription, the fee is determined based on the average of active subscribers you had in the previous subscription year. With an extension, we also check if you were sorted into the right tariff group at the end of the year. If you were in a too-low tariff group, you pay extra; if you were sorted too high, the excess amount will be refunded.
All data relating to your tariff group (the number of active subscribers per month, and the annual average based on this) are kept track of in Laposta. You can find these in Laposta, under Account > Subscription.