I send out a newsletter once in a while. Do I need a subscription?

If you only send a newsletter every now and then, it may be more cost effective to buy email credits. Email credits can be purchased the moment you want to send a newsletter. With email credits, you do not owe a subscription fee.

Our rates for email credits can be found on our website.

How do email credits work?

One email credit equals one newsletter, for one subscriber. For example: to send one newsletter to 3500 subscribers, you need 3500 email credits. If you send four newsletters to 3500 subscribers, this will cost you 4 x 3500 = 14.000 email credits. Email credits are valid indefinitely.

How do I purchase email credits?

You can purchase your own email credits on the page Account > Subscription. Click the button 'Buy subscription or email credits'. There, you can purchase email credits with the click of a button whenever you like. You pay for your email credits afterwards. For this, you will be sent an invoice.

The number of purchased and used email credits are registered for you in your account.

You can also contact us, and we will adjust your account for you.

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