Can I post sent newsletters on my site?

Yes, and there are three things you need to do.

First, you need to create a Newsletters page in your CMS. On this page you can post an overview (description) of all your newsletters. For example, like this:

  • Newsletter January 2023
  • Newsletter February 2023
  • Newsletter March 2023
  • Etc.

Second, you must ensure that visitors to your website can reach your real newsletter by clicking on this overview; your newsletter will open in a new window.

You can find the correct link of each newsletter within your account on the page Campaigns → Browse. On this page, select the sent newsletter and click View. After scrolling down a bit you will see the option 'View web version' under the heading Newsletter on the right-hand side. Another window will open in which you can view your newsletter. Use the link in your address bar to refer to this page in your CMS.

You can post this link of the web version on your own website. You can also use this link of the web version on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook. It does not contain any personal information.

The web version can normally not be found by search engines, but once you put the links of the web version on your website it can be found. Information in your newsletter will then be indexed by, for example, Google.

We do not recommend using the URL of a test email or a newsletter you sent to yourself or someone else. The newsletter will then contain your own subscription details. This will not look good.

Retrieve via the API

It is also possible to retrieve the sent newsletters through our API, and then display them. This does require a bit of programming.

The API call in question can be found on:

And here is an example on GitHub.

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