I am unable to log in. Help!
If you are not sure if your password is correct, you can request a new password from the login page: https://login.laposta.org.
On rare occasions the login attempt may fail, even with a proper login and password.This is almost always due to cookies. A cookie is used for logging into our program. Very rarely this cookie is not accepted by a browser; Laposta will then log you out immediately.
In that case, we recommend that you first check that your login and password are really correct. You can verify this by logging on to another computer or using a different browser. The best browsers at the moment are: Firefox and Chrome.
If you are sure that your login information is correct, you can - as a second option - try closing your browser completely and restarting it.
If you still cannot log in, you can - as a third option - delete your cookies. This webpage from the University of Iowa explains very clearly how to delete cookies.
Lastly, you can check if there is a temporary malfunction at Laposta on https://status.laposta.nl. If there is a malfunction in our system, it is unfortunately (temporarily) not possible to log in.