Data processing agreement with Laposta

Because an email address is personal data, and you simply cannot send a newsletter without an email address, it is necessary that we create data processing agreement.


Laposta offers the possibility to quickly and easily create a data processing agreement. This is both for the free usage of our application, as for paid use (for which a slightly different agreement is available).

You can sign the agreement under Account → Documents.

Which data processing agreement do I sign?

Standard data processing agreement

If you have a free Laposta account, the appropriate data processing agreement will be ready in your account. You can sign this digitally under Account → Documents:


Here you can download and read the data processing agreement for free usage template.

You have to sign the data processing agreement before you enter subscribers or send campaigns. You will automatically see the notification below when you want to add subscribers:


If you have not signed a data processing agreement before you want to send a campaign, you will see a notification when you want to plan or send your campaign:


When you use our application for free - or when you use mailcredits - it is unfortunately not possible to deviate from the default data processing agreement. This is because evaluating, completing, and signing data processing agreements takes time and expertise, and comes with additional tasks and responsibilities. For the same reason, we can only answer detailed questions about the agreement for users with a paid account.

Custom or own (template) data processing agreement

Here, you can download and read the data processing agreement for paid usage template.

Does your organisation have its own (template for a) data processing agreement? With paid usage of our application (a subscription), we can evaluate and sign the data processing agreement you propose.

For questions, please contact

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