
In newsletter programmes, a list is nothing more than a subscriber file.

A list may only include one entry for each subscriber: their email address. This information is obviously the absolute minimum if you want to send a newsletter.

In a list, you can also store dozens of details per subscriber, such as gender, age, place of residence and telephone number. You can use this additional subscriber data to personalise your newsletters. Research has shown that personalisation makes messages significantly more successful.

You can create a separate list for each target audience within Laposta. When creating a newsletter campaign, you can tick the list(s) to which you want to send your newsletter.

In Laposta you can also divide each list into sub-target groups (segments). When using segments, you can send your newsletter to a part (segment) of your list.

Laposta not only keeps statistics about campaigns and individual subscribers, but also about all lists. The overview page under Subscribers lists the number of active subscribers per list, the number of campaigns using a list and the total number of newsletters sent to a list.

For each list, an Acceptance, Open, Read, Click and Unsubscribe ratio is also kept. These ratios are a good indicator of the success of your list. In case of multiple lists, you can easily compare your lists on the overview page. Which list has the highest percentage of accepted emails? Which list has the highest number of reads?

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