
A spam message is a message you receive without requesting it. Unsolicited emails are the best-known form of spam, but unsolicited text messages, MMS messages, telephone calls and faxes are also included.

Only messages that contain a commercial, charitable or idealistic message can be considered spam. Sending a personal message (unsolicited) to a person or company you have already had contact with is therefore allowed. By commercial, we mean a message that directly or indirectly tries to sell a product or service.

Spamming - sending unsolicited messages - is prohibited in the Netherlands. It makes no difference whether these messages are intended for private individuals or business organisations. The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) supervises this. When violating the spam rules, ACM can impose fines of up to 450,000 euros.

At Laposta we are very committed to the ACM rules. We abide by them and ask our customers to do the same.

To prevent your newsletters from being considered spam, they must meet three requirements:

  1. It must be clear that the newsletter is coming from you
  2. Your subscriber should be able to easily unsubscribe from subsequent newsletters
  3. Your subscriber must be an existing customer or you must have the explicit permission of your subscriber to send the newsletter.

We have taken care of the first two points within Laposta. Within our programme, it must be indicated who sends your newsletter. A name of a person or company is sufficient. An alias or pseudonym is not allowed. Only sender addresses approved by you can be used to send your newsletters. 

Furthermore, every newsletter that is sent through Laposta has an unsubscribe link. If your subscriber clicks on it, they are automatically unsubscribed from subsequent newsletters.

This third point is firstly your responsibility. You may only send your subscribers a newsletter if they are existing customers or have given you explicit permission beforehand (opt-in). 

Explicit permission can be obtained via a subscribe form on your website. On your website and in your online and offline communication, you can draw people's attention to the possibility of subscribing to your newsletter. 

On our website you will find more  tips to prevent your newsletter from being marked as spam.

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