Step 6: Schedule delivery
In step 6, you determine the time to send your campaign; on this page, you specify per which date and time you want to send your newsletter.
Send later or right now?
You can tick whether you want to send your newsletter later or right now. When sending your newsletter later, the default is set the next day at an arbitrary time. You can easily adjust the date and exact time by typing this in the relevant windows or using the calendar and selecting the preferred time.
Receive confirmation e-mail?
In this step, you can also specify if you want to receive a confirmation e-mail. For this, you can leave the e-mail address you have already entered or enter an e-mail address of your choice. If you do not want to receive a confirmation e-mail, leave this box blank.
Tracking delivery progress
From the time of sending, you can see on the Campaigns/Overview page to what extent (in percentages) your newsletter has been sent. For small campaigns (some tens to hundreds of newsletters), sending will take a few seconds at most. For large campaigns (tens of thousands of newsletters or more), sending may take several minutes.