How do I read the statistics for a sent campaign?

After you've sent a campaign, you will find the most important results on the page Results → Campaigns. We've lined up the most important ratios; click the definitions to find out more about each rate.

  • Acceptance ratio: the percentage of (sent) newsletters that has been accepted by your subscribers.
  • Open ratio: the percentage of opened newsletters compared to the total amount of accepted newsletters in this campaign.
  • Click ratio: the percentage of newsletters where at least one link has been clicked from the newsletter (compared to the total amount of accepted newsletters).
  • Unsubscribe ratio: the percentage of subscribers that have unsubscribed for your newsletter (using your newsletter's unsubscribe link), compared to the total amount of accepted newsletters.

In the table, you can also find when you have sent the campaign, and to how many subscribers. If you click 'Overview (live)', you will see more results and details.

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