Moving within Laposta

Do you want to use an additional account in Laposta (for example from an admin interface), and move specific parts of an existing account to the new account?

Please keep in mind that all information within one account is connected, and because of that not all data can be moved.

What you can move to another account:

  • You can export your subscriber lists from the existing account, and import them in the new account. The data history (results) will be lost. If you want to not only import active subscribers, but add unsubscribes in your new account, that takes an extra action. In that case, you have to import the unsubscribes first, select these addresses, and subsequently import the active subscribers.
  • You can export saved and custom templates to your new account. If you have an admin interface, you can do this from that interface. If you do not have that, and you are working with a Joe template that was imported from the internet, you can import that template again in your new account. If you are not working with an admin interface and you have your own/saved template that you have edited in the drag & drop editor (including a Charlie template), you can ask our helpdesk to export the template to your new account.
  • If you want to migrate a campaign to the new account, you can only do this if you have made the campaign in the drag & drop editor. You can then save the campaign (in Step 4, while filling out the template) as a template. You can export that template as described above.

What you cannot move to another account:

  • the history for each subscriber
  • segments you set up (you can export these to Excel, but you cannot migrate the settings, only set them up again in the new account).
  • results of campaigns and subscriber lists
  • automations (and their results)
  • subscribe and edit forms

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