How do I create additional users?
Sharing login credentials with multiple people is not a secure working method. If you want to grant multiple users access to your account you can create additional logins within our program.
Managing users can be done under Login → Users.
Click on the 'New user' button.
Setting passwords
When creating or modifying users, you cannot specify passwords. This is to prevent passwords from being passed on to the new user in an unsafe way, such as by email. Each user can set their password themself through a link visible in our program.
Administrative rights
Only users who are also administrators can create new logins. For each user, you can set whether they are also administrators.
Maximum number of users with free account
Free accounts have a maximum amount of three users.
Administration from the overview account
If your organisation has multiple accounts in use, you can manage users by going to the overview account and from there, log in to the accounts of which you want to add or change users.